Sunday, May 02, 2010

One Pot Stew Chicken Again

I cook this one pot stew chicken again... Well, hubby and the kids love it, it's easy to prepare, hassle-free, mess-free, nutritious and tasty... You just need to cook plain rice to eat with this...

This time round I use kampong chicken instead... Hmm, I don't think there's significant difference between kampong chicken and normal chicken. Probably because the chicken had been soaked in the thermal pot for many hours to absorb the goodness of the olive oil and spices so the meat would be tender and tasty even if you use normal chicken.

Fried Instant Noodles

This is a good choice if you .... want to eat noodles desparately but don't have fresh noodles in your kitchen and do not want to resort to msg-rich instant noodles:)

I have some left over veges and fish balls so I toss them all in... I have some frozen prawns in my freezer so I added some as well.

I was surprised that the noodles turned out yummy. I added chilli and that didn't stop my 5 year old from eating. To put off the fire, he drank lots of water!