This is a nutrituous meal that I cook for the kids regularly. It's really easy. I always cook before I go to work and it only takes 20 mins. I use my all-time favourite thermal pot to cook. I'll prepare the ingredients the night before. It helps to mass prepare some of the ingredients. For example, I'll shred more carrots and then store it in the fridge and it can be used for few days. Sometimes, I'll prepare some stock the night before and use the stock to cook the porridge the next day.
1. Rinse and soak some brown rice in water over-night.
2. Rinse the rice again before cooking.
3. Add whatever you like (veges, meat, fish, whatever...)
4. Once the porridge starts boiling, cook for another 15 mins to ensure the meat is thoroughly cooked.
5. Turn off fire and transfer the metal pot into the thermal pot.
My thermal pot looks something like this: